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TAM 114

   This new variety from Texas A&M AgriLife Research, marketed by AGSECO is proving to be very much like TAM 111 with higher yields and resistance to stripe, leaf, and stem rust. It can stand heavy grazing and still produce grain in the spring. Excellent milling and baking quality. 


   This is a Hard Red Winter variety that gives growers excellent yield potential and drought tolerance. This medium-tall, medium-maturing variety also offers excellent test weight and grazing potential for a variety of production needs across the Central and High Plains.


    Is an awnless variety with very good test weight and protein content. Paired with its very good straw strength and excellent resistance to troublesome diseases like leaf rust, WB4511 will stand up to any challenges and exceed your standards for excellence.


  Is a new medium tall maturity hard red winter wheat from WestBred, which reports that this variety has excellent yield potential and test weight. It is broadly adapted due to its disease tolerance. Good trilling and stand ability allow from a wide range of planting population. 


  is a Hard Red Winter Wheat variety with excellent yield potential and Leaf Rust resistance. This medium-late-maturing variety has very good winter hardiness and good resistance to Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus and Yellow (Stripe) Rust, contributing to its strong western plains adaptation.